4 Ways to Make a Difference in Your Community
Our community is part of our extended home and building a strong community is essential to our growth. Today in the blog we’re talking about the real reasons people decide to give and get involved. 1. MY JOB “HIGHLY ENCOURAGES” IT (aka it’s pretty much mandatory). Hey, I get it… many employers strongly encourage community involvement because it makes them look good and allows them to be a part of several different organizations, thereby expanding their reach and business network. Here’s a tip, if your job makes getting involved “mandatory,” notify your community relations liaison at work what organization you are passionate about and have already began to volunteer at. This will not only get you some “brownie points” but it may even lead to a sponsorship opportunity for that organization. Seeing that you already actively serve as a part of an organization is exactly what employers want because it shows them you’re already invested in the organization. You become a representative to your employer and it’s a win-win for you, your employer and, most importantly, the community.
2. I’M NEW TO THE AREA. Getting involved is a great way to meet other like-minded individuals. If you’ve ever moved to a new city, one of the hardest things to do is meet people and make new friends (especially in Miami where we can be pretty cliquish—lol). Choosing to get involved is a great way to connect and bond with others in a more relaxed environment. You’d be surprised how quickly you can build relationships with people when you’re picking up garbage... there’s something about getting “down and dirty” for a cause that makes connecting that much easier because of a shared experience. The organization you chose to get involved with also loves and appreciates people from other places because they offer a different point of view that perhaps they’d never considered before... I like to think that new blood equals new ideas! My final tip, if you’re on the prowl, I have found volunteering a cheaper alternative to joining a paid dating site... lol. You may not meet the one, but you may meet a friend of the one...
3. I’M BUILDING MY RESUME. I feel this is the most common reason people choose to get involved. Many are seeking self-growth and networking opportunities. Joining an organization helps you become a leader in the community and to connect with other local influencers. While at first glance, this reason may not seem all too noble, your connections and leadership skills will be helpful to a charity looking to also grow and spread awareness. If this is your situation, here’s a tip, look for an organization you truly care about because the name recognition and the shaking hands will only take you so far.
4. PAST EXPERIENCE LEADS TO PASSION. It may very well be that at one point in your life you found yourself in a situation similar to those you help or you could have found yourself in that situation. That connection and understanding leads to a desire to want to help anyone affected by their circumstance, whether it be an illness, a family condition or homelessness.
Any reason and all reasons are good when you want to serve our community. The fact that you are willing to give your resources to an organization(s) is in and of itself a noble act. Don’t be afraid that your resources are limited, use what you have, whether that be time, money, or service to make a difference. So why did I choose to be involved? I’d say a combination of the top listed reasons. I grew up in a modest home with working class parents. My parents did everything they could to give both my sister and I a better life. Despite their hard work, we lived paycheck-to-paycheck. All it took was an illness to affect a paycheck for it all to fall apart, and that’s exactly what happened in 1997 when my mother in her mid-thirties was diagnosed with cancer. She had to stop working and my parents quickly found themselves having to sell their American Dream home. My family and I are lucky that my mother was able to fight cancer and has been cancer-free for over 20 years now. That experience made me realize that (1) most Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck and (2) those same Americans can find themselves homeless at any given moment for reasons completely outside of their control. That’s why I choose to support organizations like Chapman Partnership (a homeless shelter with two sites in Miami) and the United Way (helping families that live paycheck-to-paycheck understand resources available to them). Needless to say, throughout my time serving I have met incredible new friends all generous in their own way and have also met Miami’s top influencers. The networking opportunities are real. But above all, seeing the difference that my small actions make is by far the most rewarding part. So if you’ve been itching to get involved in your community, do not hesitate to contact a local organization. They need your support and advocacy. Your small action can make a world of a difference.
Love Always,