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How to Prepare for Next Christmas! (Building Your Christmas Decor)

Happy 2019! And happy first Monday of the year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season! Wishing you health, happiness, and success this year!

Well speaking of the holiday season... just when you thought it was time to start packing up all your Christmas decor, I want you to clue you in on a little secret... start planning for next year. You’re probably wondering, Jenni how could I possibly think about next year’s Christmas when I’m so done with this year’s Christmas? (1) I get you... (2) Mega Holiday Decore Sales. Growing up, our home was Christmas Central. My mother would change the Christmas theme around our house.... EVERY YEAR! Yeah, let that sink in. Haha! She just loved the holidays and was beyond creative. Once I got to college, she “cooled down” a bit, but she’s still the person I admire the most when it comes to Christmas decor. So what was her secret... She began to plan her tree a whole year in advance. That meant that if next year’s theme was “Snowmen” she began to purchase items as soon as Christmas was over when ornaments and decor are a whopping 60% off! By the time Christmas rolled out, she was ready with her new theme.

Now... please don’t think I’m encouraging you to change your Christmas theme every year. Let’s reserve that to the Christmas elves... what I’m suggesting instead is that if you are building your Christmas collection, this is the time to stock up and take advantage of great deals! Checkout the following stores for ornaments as inexpensive as $1:

(not my favorite for deals after Christmas)

(this is our actual flocked Christmas Tree for $150! Sear's has the best trees!)

Here are some of the items I am going all gaga for for next year’s Christmas:

Hmmm... and did you pick up on a clue about next year's Christmas theme... I may or may not be thinking of switching it up from our traditional red... Now don't tell Mr. Marques who already finds it hard to believe how many Christmas boxes we have up on our attic!

Best of luck building your Christmas decor stash!

Love always,



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  By: Jennifer Marques

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